Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Two weeks ain't cuttin it

Rather than play catch up with what has happened in the past few months, I'll just pick up where I find myself right now. It is a Wednesday, I am in bed with dogs snuggled around me and it's almost 1:oopm. The sun is emitting a crisp warm yellow-white light outside but it feels cold in here. The wind is trying to force its way into every crack in the house by howling and pounding around outside. I did get out of bed today to get some cereal and make a really delicious cup of french press coffee. I should be working on my first assignment for my class tomorrow, however, I am finding other things that require my more immediate attention such as writing out my grocery list, finishing a row of knitting, debating on whether I should order new bedsheets and a duvet today or wait until next paycheck, and contemplating a nap.

I am on vacation. I have been on vacation since the weekend before Christmas, and with the long two week stretch ahead of me (at the time) I thought I had enough days for everything. With four more days left, I'm finding, I could have used a third week, maybe even a fourth to really get things done. Alas, I am not living in Europe where such a long vacation is practically required, so I'll have to make do and start squeezing for time to do things again.
I certainly got some knitterly things accomplished.

I finished this scarf-hoodie for my sister's Christmas gift. I divined the pattern myself, but have managed to lose the scrap piece of paper I wrote it on. Which reminds me by the way to get a couple more notebooks to leave lying around the house for such note-worthy accomplishments and to compensate for my lack of memory.

I finished this sparkly chevron shawl for my Granny in the Philippines. We ended up at my LYS during her visit last August where she saw this sparkly mohair shawl that she had to have. Being a sucker for knitting, and for my awesome Granny, I promised to make one for her. I shall FedEx it to her next week.

This pair of socks was knit out of Trekking XXL. The colors are so scrumptious! These were knitted for a special friend and have yet to be bequeathed.

The lovely lady hiding behind the lovely red socks is Ana Banana. These socks were knitted especially for her since she was a good girl this year and the Hannukah Weasle decided she should be rewarded for her excellent behavior.

Among other accomplishments...I'm 99.9% sure that you knitters out there have heard of this stupendous creation by extremely talented knitters called Ravelry. It is a knitting and crocheting community in this spectacular virtual world called the Internet. And, it has all sorts of really nifty and useful abilities like keeping track of your projects, your stash, your library, your friends, your needles. I have since joined this wonderful place and have completely dorked out by taking pictures and posting my projects, stash, hopes, and dreams. The inner obsessive compulsive organizer and everything must be compartmentalized and fit properly in its own cubby with tags full of statistics and information is rejoicing at the finding this wonderful place. If you feel this way too, I want to be your friend on Ravelry if you belong, so look for me, I am loops and sticks. If you don't belong, check out the site and ask for an invite.

I know I still have four days of languishing left, but a part of me feels sad that this freedom to loaf, and knit, and nap, and play Super Mario Galaxy, and reading fiction like Good Omens and enjoy scented candles for prolonged periods of time will not last much longer. Alas, I will make the most of this time and will continue knitting and soaking up the colors of Mr. Rich's Christmas present to me--Crystal Palace Yarns Taos, Cabled Scarf. This happens to be my first endeavor at cabling. Oh so fun!

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